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po 17:30 - 19:00
st  17:30 - 19:00

pá  17:00 - 19:00


čt  17:30 - 19:30

Contact us for more information.

Podporují nás:

se spolupodílí na financování činnosti našeho oddílu.
Z finančních prostředků Jihočeského kraje je hrazeno startovné a cestovné na ME, MS, MČR, NP.

Už dlouho nás něco tak obrovský nebavilo. Konečně máme něco, co můžeme dělat společně a hlavně v partě super lidí. Na každý trénink se neskutečně těšíme a ten pocit pak....k nezaplacení. Takže velké díky trenérům. Zuzka, Petr a Patrik

Gasshuku Czech republic, Prachatice, CZ

The top of whole effort of all members and representatives of Tsunami Prachatice team was year 2005, where the team under the cover of South Bohemian association of JKA karate and with great support from city Prachatice with its mayor Mr. Bauer successfully organized the very first international several days long training seminar in a history of the Czech Union of JKA Karatedo under the management of Japanese international instructors, namely Mr. Ochi, Mr. Sugimura and Mr. Akiti – the Gasshuku Czech Republic.

The main part of the fact, that the event took place right in Prachatice, came from members of a board with the leading member Mr. David Havlík, who started negotiations with the administration of Czech Union JKA and negotiations, that were supposed to secure smooth and trouble less course of the whole event. There is no doubt some of these meetings were very difficult, but as it is proved by photos, the whole action turned to great success. Instructors did appreciate the whole course and as we can see on photographs, they were quite interested also in wine as well as history of the city.

The whole board would like to thank to all of those, who participated in preparation of this event, namely Ms. Stemberkova for city of Prachatice, Ms. Siplova from hotel Albatros, Mr. Novotny from hotel Park and mainly to the main sponsor, Mr. Petrek of Memfis company, which did support this seminar by remarkable amount of money. Sincere thanks belong to all participants, but as their list would take more than one page, I hope they understand and they will not be angry with me…